Designing a Wrap
Everything you need to know to start designing wraps

Image Requirements
- Width: 2700 pixels (9.00 inches)
- Height: 1650 pixels (5.5 inches)
- Bleed & Cuts: There is a 37.5 pixel bleed (0.125” inches) all the way around
- Color: RGB
- Resolution: 300 pixels/inch (if AI is used for image creation it must print natively at 300 dpi)

- PSD Template (set for RGB profile)
- Ilustrator Template
We have carefully refined and optimized our printing process to match the colors that shoppers see on the site to what will actually print. Because we are spanning digital and physical print the best images are PNGs that use an RGB profile and print at 300 DPI.
Edge to Edge Printing
Take advantage of the beautiful edge to edge printing. Continuous designs can be made and look awesome on the cups

Image Upload & Preferred File Types
Images are uploaded in the seller admin when you create a product
You have the option to upload 2 files, a web file, and a print file
You can use the same file for both as long as the image meets the required height, width, and resolution requirements:
- Width: 2700 pixels (9.00 inches)
- Height: 1650 pixels (5.5 inches)
- Resolution: 300 pixels/inch
Web Files:
- web files must be in .png format
- example .png for web and print
Print Files:
- We can accept multiple file types for printing however after many rounds of testing a .png 300 dpi image using an RGB color profile deliver the highest quality prints and consistency across physical and digital mediums
- .ai, .pdf, .zip (for .tiff), .eps with a RGB color profile
- example .png file for print
Additional Design Considerations
We encourage the use of
AI Tools
- midjourney
Scale Up Tools
Wherever your inspiration comes form
- Royalty free stock photography
- Trends
- Memes & Cultural Moments
Ownership & Rights
We believe artists should get paid for their art. Please do not upload images to without the permission of the owner if you’ve copied the image from somewhere else. We are a small startup with limited resources to screen artists work for ownership. Ultimately you take full responsibility for the works you upload and display on our site