Creating a product & uploading a wrap
So you’ve created your account, you’ve designed your wrap, and you’re ready to upload a product 🙌 Let’s go!
Step 1
Head to over to the products page in our seller admin
Once you’re on our products tab, click “Create Product” to start uploading your wrap

Step 2
IMPORTANT: Select "Wrapware Wrap" as your template

Step 3
Give your product a title and add a description

Title will be used in search to help people discover your product and shown on product list pages and product detail pages

Description will also be used in search and shown on product detail pages
Step 4
Next upload your wrap artwork

Required .PNG file:
Upload a .png file in the "images" field that meets the following requirements
- Width: 2700 pixels (9.00 inches)
- Height: 1650 pixels (5.5 inches)
- Bleed & Cuts: There is a 37.5 pixel bleed (0.125” inches) all the way around
- Color: RGB
- Resolution: 300 pixels/inch

Required print optimized artwork:
Please upload the print artwork file in the "medias" field as final artwork. You can use the same .png file you are using for web as long as it meets the requiremetns below
- Width: 2700 pixels (9.00 inches)
- Height: 1650 pixels (5.5 inches)
- Bleed & Cuts: There is a 37.5 pixel bleed (0.125” inches) all the way around
- Resolution: 300 pixels/inch
File Types accepted: .png, .ai, .pdf, .tiff
Step 5
Next Click “Submit” to route your wrap for approval. Once your design is accepted it will automatically be published to your Artist Page. If this is your first wrap both your wrap and artist page will be published when this wrap is approved.

Additional Info & Commissions
You may notice additional product info managed by Wrapware the bottom of the create product page. This ensures that your product is setup correctly on our storefront.
- You will earn 15% commission on all individual wraps that you sell.
- You will earn 10% commission of the total value of any wrap + tumbler combinations that you sell
- Please contact if you are interested in setting custom price for your wrap or if you would like to only offer your wrap with a specific tumbler color