Calling all artists, creators, and visual designers

Share your art with the world

Join our creator community to design custom high quality printed wraps for our eco-friendly tumblers and get paid for the designs you sell

Get paid to create

For every wrap that sells with one of your designs, you get paid. It's that simple.

How it works

Create your account

When you sign up to be a wrapware creator you'll get access to tools and resources to build your shop. With an artist account you manage your page, upload designs, and view commissions

Sign Up

Upload your art

Follow our print guidelines to ensure the highest quality prints for your designs. All designs will go through a quick review process before being published to the wrapware website

Design FAQs

Earn commissions

Earn 25% commision on all individual Wraps and Tumbler+Wrap Combos that you sell. Payouts are automated, fast, and transparent

Selling FAQs